15 Advanced Excel Formulas You Must Know

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Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for data analysis and management. It is used by businesses and individuals worldwide to organize and analyse data, create charts and graphs, and automate tasks. Excel offers a wide range of built-in functions, but advanced Excel formulas take your skills to the next level.


VLOOKUP is one of the most commonly used Excel formulas. It is used to find and retrieve data from a specific column in a table. It works by matching a lookup value to a corresponding value in the first column of a table and returning a value in the same row from a specified column.

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INDEX-MATCH is an alternative to VLOOKUP. It is used to find and retrieve data from a specific row or column in a table. It works by matching a lookup value to a corresponding value in a specified column or row and returning a value from a specified row or column.

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SUMIFS is used to sum values in a range that meet multiple criteria. It works by specifying the range to sum, as well as the criteria to be met for each corresponding cell in a separate range.

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COUNTIFS is used to count the number of cells in a range that meet multiple criteria. It works by specifying the range to count, as well as the criteria to be met for each corresponding cell in a separate range.

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IFERROR is used to replace an error value with a specific value or message. It works by testing a formula for an error value and returning a specified value if an error is detected.

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CONCATENATE is used to join two or more text strings into a single string. It works by specifying the text strings to be joined and the separator to be used between them.

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LEFT, RIGHT, and MID are used to extract a specific number of characters from a text string. LEFT is used to extract characters from the beginning of a string, RIGHT is used to extract characters from the end of a string, and MID is used to extract characters from the middle of a string.

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LEN is used to determine the length of a text string. It works by counting the number of characters in a string.

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TRIM is used to remove extra spaces from a text string. It works by removing all leading and trailing spaces, as well as any extra spaces between words.

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SUBSTITUTE is used to replace a specific text string within a larger text string with a different text string. It works by specifying the text string to be replaced, the text string to replace it with, and the text string in which the replacement is to occur.

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NETWORKDAYS is used to calculate the number of working days between two dates. It works by excluding weekends and specified holidays from the calculation.

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EOMONTH is used to calculate the last day of the month based on a specified date. It works by adding a specified

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If you are looking to enhance your Excel skills, then learning advanced Excel formulas is the next step for you. Knowing advanced Excel formulas will help you automate complex calculations, save time, and improve your overall productivity. In this Blog, we have discussed 15 advanced Excel formulas that you must know.

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